


美式发音: [ʌnˈfɜrl] 英式发音: [ʌnˈfɜː(r)l]



第三人称单数:unfurls  现在分词:unfurling  过去式:unfurled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.unfurl flag

v.fold up

v.open out,open up,unfold,spread out,expand



1.(使卷紧的东西)打开,展开when sth that is curled or rolled tightlyunfurls , or youunfurl it, it opens

The leaves slowly unfurled.叶子慢慢地展开了。

to unfurl a flag展开旗子


v.1.to untie or open something that was rolled up, for example a flag or an umbrella, and let it spread out; to spread out after being untied2.if a story or event unfurls, it develops, or it starts to happen

1.展开 unfriendly 不友善地 unfurl 打开,展开 ungainly 笨拙的,不雅的 ...

2.展示 unfruitful 无效果的 unfurl 展示 unfurnished 无装备的 ...

3.公开 ... 4.binding a. 有约束力的 6.unfurl vt. 展开,展示,公开,使临风招展 7.pessimistic adj. 悲观的; 悲观主义的 ...

4.打开 unfriendly 不友善地 unfurl 打开,展开 ungainly 笨拙的,不雅的 ...

5.展帆 furl 卷起(帆) unfurl 展帆 in full sail 满帆 ...

6.揭示 ... 4. ﹝特权指令﹞【 PRIVILEGE INSTRUCTION】 UNFURL( 展开;揭示;公开); UNIQUE( …

7.使旗招展 ) tunic 紧身短上衣 ) unfurl 使旗招展 ) belly 涨满 ...


1.You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.你想拥有一份情怀,你想和大海一样平静,仿佛顷刻间你幻化成了任性而执着的海之精灵。

2.That is the last thing America wants as President Barack Obama gets ready to unfurl a regional strategy for Afghanistan.这是美国最不愿看到的,因为奥巴马正准备展示对阿富汗的地区性策略。

3.WORLD leaders are descending on London, just as anti-capitalist protesters prepare to unfurl their banners.正当反对资本主义的示威者准备舞动标语横幅时,世界领袖们陆续抵达伦敦。

4.Make sure what the employer needs. Show your value to the company and unfurl your capacity to adapt the environment.清楚雇主的需要,表现出自己对公司的价值,展现你适应环境的能力。

5.Those involved had to unfurl the "cigars" whose fragility was a conservator's nightmare.棘手的问题就是如何打开这些“雪茄”,手稿的脆弱性对于管理员是恶梦。

6.Unfurl the banners, put on your armour. Let the fighting commence.展开旗帜,穿上战甲,开始战斗。

7.Once seen, it's a film that quick steps round your brain for years to come, remembered whenever you unfurl your brolly.一旦看过这部电影,在很多年里它都会萦绕在你的脑海,无论何时你撑开你的雨伞都会想起它。

8.A soldier might unfurl a sheet of plastic showing a real-time situation map.士兵可以摊开一块塑胶,上面显示了即时的战情地图。

9.This article focus on Chinese character decoration importantly to unfurl analysis.本文重点围绕汉字的装饰性展开分析。

10.The exposition will unfurl 2008 Olympic Landscape Sculpture Designs Contest Selected Artworks Exhibition.2008奥运景观雕塑方案征集大赛入选精品展。