



美式发音: [ˈtæk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tæk(ə)l]




复数:tackles  现在分词:tackling  过去式:tackled  搭配同义词

v.+n.tackle problem,tackle issue,tackle job,tackle question,tackle unemployment

v.undertake,begin,embark upon,confront,challenge




v.1.应付,处理(工作等)2.抓住,捉住,扭住;【橄】抱住(对方抱[带]球奔跑的球员)3.用滑车拉上;用滑车固定4.(给马)配上马具5.就某事向某人交涉[争论] (somebody on something)6.认真开始 (to)1.应付,处理(工作等)2.抓住,捉住,扭住;【橄】抱住(对方抱[带]球奔跑的球员)3.用滑车拉上;用滑车固定4.(给马)配上马具5.就某事向某人交涉[争论] (somebody on something)6.认真开始 (to)

n.1.an attempt to stop an opponent from moving forward in a game such as football, usually by forcing them to the ground2.an attempt to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer3.the ropes and other equipment that people use to lift heavy objects; special equipment that people use for sports such as fishing or rock climbing

v.1.to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment; to try to put out a large fire2.to take hold of someone and push them to the ground; to take hold of an opponent in a game such as football and stop them from moving forward, usually by forcing them to the ground3.to try to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer4.to ask someone questions in a very direct way, because you disagree with them and you want them to explain their opinions or behavior; to oppose a person or organization1.to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment; to try to put out a large fire2.to take hold of someone and push them to the ground; to take hold of an opponent in a game such as football and stop them from moving forward, usually by forcing them to the ground3.to try to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer4.to ask someone questions in a very direct way, because you disagree with them and you want them to explain their opinions or behavior; to oppose a person or organization

1.铲球 ... Goals conceded in penalty area( 禁区内失守) Tackles( 铲球) Tackles made gaining possession( 铲球犯规) ...

2.滑车 tackles n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 pocketbook n. 笔记本, 钱袋, 皮夹, 经济来源 ...

3.拦截 ... Defensive 防守技术统计 Tackles 拦截 Sacks 擒杀 ...

4.装备 tackles n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 pocketbook n. 笔记本, 钱袋, 皮夹, 经济来源 ...

5.用具 tackles n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 pocketbook n. 笔记本, 钱袋, 皮夹, 经济来源 ...


7.工具和辅助 纺车轮 SPIN REEL 工具和辅助 TACKLES 雷竿,雷轮,雷蛙 SNAKEHEAD ...

8.阻攻 Possession 持球率 Tackles 阻攻 Corners 角球 ...


1.Hamann dished out his fair share of tough tackles but he could also take a challenge without complaining to the referee.在场上哈曼干预大胆放铲,同样在毫无抱怨的接受裁判的判罚。

2.He may not be very tall Messi, but he makes up for that in speed and agility, which allow him to evade the tackles of his opponents.梅西身高不高,但他的速度和灵活性使他能巧妙地化解对手的拦截和防守,这弥补了其身高的不足。

3.They also signal something of a revolution in the way Australia tackles this politically charged issue.最新数字也发出类似革命的信号,以解决澳大利亚在政治上争议很大的问题。

4.You see him walking back when United are defending, hands on hips, not chasing to recover the ball or make tackles.当曼联防守的时候你看到他在走路,手扶着屁股,并没有追着球放铲。

5.Indeed, during the first half, although Chelsea were winning quite a few tackles, they were also misplacing passes.实际上,在上半场,尽管切尔西能抢到一些球,他们总是传错地方。

6." She also tackles the Miles Davis classic " Blue In Green, " and Lauryn Hill's " All That I Can Say.她也解决了迈尔斯戴维斯的经典“在绿蓝”和LaurynHill的“所有我能说的。”

7.Mr Spence is not sure about this nor, unfortunately, of many of the other issues he tackles.斯宾塞先生对此并不确定;遗憾的是,对于其他许多他致力于解决的问题,他也并不确定。

8.Uploader for Outlook tackles a thorn in the side of any enterprise customer: email attachments.Outlook上传器解决掉所有企业客户都会碰到麻烦:邮件附件。

9.Speaking of fighting, how about those tackles that Varejao put on me a couple of times during the game? ? ?谈到战斗,如何对这些铲球的瓦莱乔放在我几次在比赛中?

10.The current crisis in capitalism, she believes, strengthens her call for a sweeping change in how the world tackles poverty.她认为,目前的这场资本主义危机使她更坚决地要求世界全面改变解决贫困的方法。