



美式发音: [prɑd] 英式发音: [prɒd]




复数:prods  过去式:prodded  现在分词:prodding  同义词




1.[t][i]戳;杵;捅to push sb/sth with your finger or with a pointed object

She prodded him in the ribs to wake him up.她用手指杵他的肋部把他叫醒。

He prodded at his breakfast with a fork.他拿叉子戳弄着早餐。

2.[t]~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)催促;督促;鼓动to try to make sb do sth, especially when they are unwilling

She finally prodded him into action.她终于促使他行动起来。


1.戳;杵;捅the act of pushing sb with your finger or with a pointed object

She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella.她用雨伞使劲捅了他一下。

2.(informal)催促;鼓励;提醒an act of encouraging sb or of reminding sb to do sth

If they haven't replied by next week, you'll have to call them and give them a prod .如果下周他们还没答复,你就得打电话催催他们。

3.(赶牲畜用的)尖棒,刺棒an instrument like a stick that is used for prodding animals

4.(informal)(贬称)新教徒an offensive word for a Protestant


v.1.刺激起,惹起,促使,激励,使苦恼2.刺戳3.刺,戳 (at, into)

n.1.a quick push with your finger, or with an object that has a long thin end2.an act of persuading or encouraging someone to do something3.a long thin object used for prodding an animal

v.1.to push someone or something quickly with your finger, or with an object that has a long thin end2.to persuade or encourage someone to do something

1.戳 couch of death: 死神的卧榻。 prodded: 剌;。 scraggy knees: 瘦而多骨的膝盖。 ...

2.刺开他本可以“戳开”(poked) 它,这样做在诗律上同样从容,在用词上也同样有效;或者,只要对五音步稍作调整,他就可以“


1.A minute later, they were being prodded into a truck like animals to be taken to a detention camp.不多久,他们就像动物一样被强行按进载货车里,压往拘留营。

2.Prodded by some far-sighted diplomats, Australia was one of the first countries to wake up to the economic potential of China.在一些高瞻远瞩外交官的提醒下,澳大利亚成为最早认识到中国经济潜力的国家之一。

3.These words can only use certain occasions, as if prodded language abuse, sometimes hurt each other's feelings.这些话只能在某些特定的场合使用,若作为招呼语滥用,有时就会伤害对方的感情。

4.If anything, the judges seem to have prodded the government into a firmer line.不管怎么样,法官们似乎已经将政府逼上更为坚固的底线。

5.Police prodded her with electric shock clubs until she blistered on her chest, hands and feet.警察用电棒戳她,使她的胸口和手脚都起了泡。

6.If Iran can be enticed or, more likely, prodded out of its serial nuclear deceit, the world will indeed be safer.如果伊朗能够被引诱,或者更有可能被催促着不再进行一系列核武器欺骗活动,那么世界确实会更加安全一些。

7.That episode also prodded many scientists to ratchet up their efforts to understand tsunamis and communicate their danger.那些片断也促使科学家努力去研究海啸并且把他们的危害传达给人们。

8.If you know something needs to be done, do it without being prodded.如果你知道需要做某项工作,应该不用敦促地完成。

9.They just threw me in this cell with you after they poked and prodded me and now I just hope they won't kill us.他们刚才对我又戳又刺的,现在又把我跟你放一起,我只希望他们不要把我们杀了。

10.I prodded a pretty young marshmallow cretin girl with my crop and made her sprawl on the ground.我用阴茎戳中了一个年轻甜美的痴呆姑娘,把她放倒在地。