



美式发音: [ˈstɑfər] 英式发音: [ˈstɑːfə(r)]






n.1.a member of the staff of an organization

1.职员xecutives )  发行人  编辑  职员staffers )  记者  新闻改写人  核对编辑  介於主管与职员的工作人员  临时 …

2.员工 ... ) resist - 抵制 ) staffers - 员工 ) afterthought - 事后 ...

3.职场 青年文摘·彩版 BLOG 演讲与口才 staffers goreous 极好的、漂亮的 ...

5.良好人缘 ... youthfulness( 年轻有活力) staffers( 良好人缘) articulation( 口齿清晰) ...

6.职场杂志 莫万丹( mowandan) 职场杂志( staffers) 吴昕( wuxinxin) ...


1.A foursome of loyal staffers often plays out ahead of him, clearing the way and trying to ensure no one spies.通常,四位忠诚的工作人员会在他之前先打一场,清出道路,并尽力确保没有人偷窥。

2.George W. Bush always had staffers called to him in the Oval Office - and God help you if you showed up without a jacket and tie!乔治·华盛顿·布什经常在总统办公室中告诉他的官员--如果你不穿夹克衫、不打领带,上帝将会帮助你。

3.Bill Clinton's administration was bedevilled by self-serving leaks from ambitious staffers trying to promote themselves or their cause.克林顿政府饱受泄密事件困扰,那些野心勃勃的内部人员之所以这么做,为的是他们的前途或事业。

4.One of the broker's staffers told TIME that the company organized 30 to 50 operations a year.该中间商的一名职员告诉时代杂志,该公司一年中组织了30到50起手术。

5.But he had also pledged to "go at it again" on Thursday if staffers did not reach a solution overnight.但他早先也曾承诺如果大家在夜里拿不出解决办法,将在周四“再次做出努力”。

6.When Denver's Rocky Mountain News folded just over a year ago, some of its staffers left journalism.当丹佛的《洛基山新闻报》在一年多以前停办时,其麾下的一些职员就放弃本行离开了报业圈。

7.There were a few tears, but as he explained the deal, the staffers began to realize that in some ways it was a reverse acquisition.有人开始叹息,但是当他把交易的细节说给大家的时候,员工们开始意识到这实际上是一次反收购。

8.In April, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said the Pentagon aims to quadruple the number of such staffers over time.美国国防部长盖茨(RobertGates)今年4月表示,五角大楼计划逐步将此类人员的数目增加三倍。

9.Mr. Hall wasn't sure he was allowed to do that as well, but he approached some of the administrative staffers to ask for help.他不确定他是不是也可以这么做,但是他还是试着请一些做行政的同事帮忙。

10.IT staffers often discover a Conficker infection when a user is suddenly unable to log into a computer.IT行业的从业人员常常在无法登录计算机时才发现自己被Conficker感染。