



美式发音: [ˈkɜriər] 英式发音: [ˈkʊriə(r)]



复数:couriers  同义词

n.messenger,carrier,biker,dispatch rider,rep



n.1.someone whose job is to deliver documents or packages2.a tour guide

1.信使 工具( Tools) 信使Couriers) 音效( Announcers) ...

2.急行军 Incas 印加帝国 Couriers 急行军 Indians 印度 ...

3.宅配便 ... 送受信 Check/Send 宅配便 Couriers 宅配便 Errand boy ...


1."On the first floor of Bin Laden's building two al-Qaida couriers were killed, along with a woman who was killed in crossfire, " he said.在本拉登住宅的一楼两名基地组织成员被杀,同时有一名女子在交叉火力中被杀。

2.But by synthesizing imposter messengers, scientists have been able to block the activity of some of the body's natural couriers .不过藉由合成假冒的信使,科学家可以阻断身体里一些天然传讯者的活性。

3.In the end, we were able to track bin Laden because he communicated only through two couriers believed to be brothers.最终,我们能够追踪本拉登,是因为他只能在自己很熟悉的两个国家来往。

4.The official added that other unnamed detainees also "identified this man as one of the few couriers trusted by Bin Laden" .这名官员补充说其他几个不知名的囚犯也证实“这名送信人是本·拉登最信任的几名送信人之一”。

5.Washington claims it found bin Laden by following one of his couriers.华盛顿声称,它是通过本-拉登的通讯员发现了其行踪。

6.Previously, Suttle transferred data by couriers on tape, which took up to three days.以前,Suttle使用信差来传递磁带数据,需要3天时间。

7.Traditionally, the network has used couriers to transport patient's slides to appropriate specialists to obtain the best diagnostic results.传统上这个网络使用快递员将患者病理切片传送给相关专家,以获得最佳诊断结果。

8.Most companies use telephones, rental cars, accommodation, protective equipment, computers, printing, couriers and stationery.多数的公司都要使用电话、租用汽车、住所、安全设备、计算机、打印机、邮件传递和文具等。

9.As well as being potential couriers and infiltration agents, the subjects could function in effect as hypnotically controlled cameras.潜在的信使和渗透机构,试验对象能有效的行使其作为催眠被控的照相机。

10.Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al-Qaeda leader's whereabouts by tailing one his couriers.去年八月,美军通过跟踪本•拉登的一个情报员终于探到了他的行踪。