



美式发音: [ˈɡʌvərn] 英式发音: [ˈɡʌvə(r)n]


第三人称单数:governs  现在分词:governing  过去式:governed  搭配同义词

v.+n.govern country,govern behavior,govern behaviour,govern state

v.rule,preside over,oversee,administer,administrate



v.1.to control and manage an area, city, or country and its people2.to control the way that things happen; if something governs people or their behavior, it controls or strongly influences them3.to control the way that an organization such as a business or society operates

1.统治 )inclined( 倾向,倾斜) )governs统治,管理) 答案 )expressde( 表达, 表示) ...

2.管理我们的宇宙是与”第七个原型”连结的,而就是”最初源头”的这个表现(expression) 在和我们的宇宙互动,并且管理 (governs) 着我 …

3.控制“MS-PL”的第一句话就是“本授权书“控制governs)”相应的软件”,“如果你使用了相应的软件,就表明你接受了本授权书,否 …


1.For a system with a fundamental natural period in the long-period range, maximum displacement governs the seismic design.对于长周期结构,地震最大位移反应是结构抗震设计的控制因素。

2.Eta governs his answer to a different question: how much weight should be given to the consumption of the rich relative to that of the poor?eta则决定了他对另一个问题的答案:相对于穷人的消费而言,富人的消费应该给分配多大的权重?

3.In terms of the products involved, the factor of delivered cost governs elsewhere in the world just as it does here, of course.在所涉及的产品方面,交付成本的因素管辖在世界其他地方一样,它在这里所做的,当然。

4.But, as I've learned, logic has its limits. It's the heart not the head that governs this world under the sway of the dizzy gods.但,就我所知,逻辑有其局限性。人们统治世界不是用脑,而是随心,他们任那些“坐不稳”的“神仙”摆布。

5.Property governs the appearance of any text displayed in the footer item of a type derived from.派生的类型的脚注项中显示的任何文本的外观。

6.When you create a counter, you add it to a performance counter category, and you assign it a type that governs how it will behave.创建计数器后,将它添加到性能计数器类别并分配给它一个类型,该类型将控制其行为方式。

7.The secular party that governs the North-West Frontier Province, the Awami National Party, is trying to pacify its own area.掌管西北前线省的世俗党派Awami国家党试图让自己的区域保持平静。

8.When scientists examined the pair's DNA, they found a mutation in a gene called DEC2, which governs cell production and circadian rhythm.科学家们通过检测这对DNA发现一个叫作DEC2发生了突变,而这个基因正是控制细胞分裂和生理周期的。

9.it also gives it a seat at the elite club of nations that governs the use of the world's most powerful technology.它也为印度在管理世界最强大技术的使用的精英国家俱乐部中谋得了一席之地。

10.Gravity, the force of the earth's attraction, governs the atmosphere just as it governs solid objects.引力,即地球的吸引力,正象它影响着固体那样影响着大气。