⒈ 黏性物质,有用动物的皮或角等熬成的,亦有植物分泌的和人工合成的:胶质。胶原。鳔胶。乳胶。万能胶。如胶似漆。胶合板。
⒉ 用橡胶树的分泌物制成的有弹性的物质:橡胶。胶鞋。胶皮。胶布。
⒊ 有黏性像胶的:胶泥。胶水。
⒋ 粘着,粘合:胶合。胶着(
glue, gum, resin, rubber; sound; shin bone
⒈ 穿在脚上便于走路的东西:皮鞋。鞋袜。鞋帮。鞋面。鞋底。鞋油。鞋匠。
shoes, footwear in general
拼音:jiāo xié注音:ㄐ一ㄠ ㄒ一ㄝˊ
胶鞋[ jiāo xié ]:
⒈ 用橡胶制成的鞋,通常指雨鞋。有时也指橡胶底布面的鞋。
⒈ 用橡胶制成的鞋,通常指雨鞋。有时也指橡胶底布面的鞋。
引:汪曾祺 《岁寒三友》:“小学的同学几乎全部在下雨天都穿了胶鞋来上学,只有他穿了还是他父亲穿过的钉鞋。”:
胶鞋[ jiāo xié ]:
⒈ 以橡胶制成的鞋,通常指雨鞋。
⒉ 泛指鞋底以橡胶做成的鞋。
[jiāo xié]na.rubber overshoes; rubbers
网络释义:rubber shoes; rubber footwear; rubber boots
na.1.rubber overshoes; galoshes; rubbers; rubber-soled shoes; tennis shoes; sneakers; ppmsoll; gumshoes
1.rubber shoes garpc 大蒜 rubber shoes 胶鞋 game player 游戏机 ...
2.rubber footwear 胶带、 rubber belt 胶鞋、 rubber footwear 胶鞋、 rubber shoes、rubber footwear ...
3.rubber boots ... 2 (橡 胶) rubber 胶 鞋 rubber boots 动 glue ...
4.sneakers tossel cap 滑冰帽 152. sneakers 胶鞋 153. gloves 手套 154. ...
5.rubber overshoes 钉鞋 track shoe 胶鞋 rubber overshoes 草鞋 straw sandals ...
6.Rain Boots ... 相关买家: 显微镜; video microscope; 相关买家: 胶鞋; Rain Boots; 相关买家: 电脑; 7 inch tablet pc; ...
胶鞋英语翻译造句释义:,rubber overshoes,rubbers,rubber shoes,rubber footwear,rubber boots1.Xiao Lan told me that she needed a pair of rubbers .小兰告诉我,她需要一双胶鞋。
2.Please wear suitable clothes and soft-soled leather shoes or rubber shoes. Do not wear shoes with steel spikes or high heels.租用人请穿著适当衣服及软底皮鞋或胶鞋,不可穿著金属钉鞋或高跟鞋。
3.Insulating protective clothing are gloves, boots and overshoes, protective overalls, head-gear.绝缘防护服是手套、长靴和胶鞋、防护衣和安全帽。
4.The utipty model relates to a full rubber anti-skidding sole with mold pressed patterns.本实用新型涉及一种全胶鞋模压花纹防滑底。
5.Two workers are not assigned to shoes, they wear normal shoes wade into the radioactive water, the result injured and hospitapzed.两名工人没有分配到胶鞋,便穿着普通鞋趟入放射性污水,结果受伤入院。
6.The production of the rubber shoes mould pressing soles, often lacks of plastic, the scars and the phenomenon of the bubble.胶鞋模压大底的生产,经常出现缺胶、明疤、气泡现象,严重地影响产品的质量。
7.The soaking wet sneakers squished as he walked.他走路时,他的湿胶鞋发出咯吱咯吱的声响。
8.Get on your rubbers, we have to go out in the rain.穿上你的胶鞋,我们必须在雨天外出。
9.Usage: It is mainly used on rubber shoes, rubber tube, rubber tape, shock-absorbing cushions, dustproof suits and model products.用途:用于胶鞋、胶管、胶带、减震、防尘套及模型制品。
10.Participants shall only wear rubber-soled sports shoes or running shoes with spikes not more than 6 mm long for the competition.参赛者只能穿着胶鞋或钉长不超过6毫米的钉鞋比赛。