⒈ 射箭或发弹丸的器具:弓箭。弓弩。飞鸟尽,良弓藏。
⒉ 像弓的器具或形态:胡琴弓子。弓鞋。
⒊ 旧时丈量地亩用的器具和计算单位。
⒋ 弯曲:弓身。
⒌ 姓。
bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57
⒈ 实体:形仪(体态仪表)。形体。形貌。形容。形骸。形单影只。形影相吊。
⒉ 样子:形状。形式。形态。形迹。地形。情形。
⒊ 表现:形诸笔墨。喜形于色。
⒋ 对照,比较:相形见绌。
⒌ 状况,地势:形势。
⒍ 古同“型”,模子。
⒎ 古同“刑”,刑罚。
form, shape, appearance
拼音:gōng xíng注音:ㄍㄨㄥ ㄒ一ㄥˊ港台:拱形
弓形[ gōng xíng ]:
⒈ 圆弧和它所对的弦围成的图形。
英:segment of a circle;:
弓形[ gōng xíng ]:
⒈ 若一直线交一圆于两点,则该直线将该圆分成两部分,每一部分皆称为弓形即圆弓形。
英语:circular segment
法语:Segment circulaire
[gōng xíng]n.circular segment
网络释义:arch; bow; segment of a circle
na.1.bow-shaped, arched, curved, arch form, arch, bow, segment2.【数】segment of a circle
n.1.circular segment
1.arch arc n. 弧 arch n. 拱门,弓形 archaeologist n. 考古学家 ...
2.bow accordance n. 一致, 和谐 bow n. 弓, 乐弓, 弓形, 鞠躬, 船首v.鞠躬, 弯腰 baskets n. 篮, 一篮 ...
3.segment secant 割线 segment 弓形; shaded region 阴影 ...
4.segment of a circle secant 割线 segment of a circle 弓形 semiciecle 半圆圆周率 ...
5.lune lunation 太阴月 lune 弓形 lunicurrent interval 月潮流间隙 ...
6.arcuate aphepon 远日点 arcuate 弓形 asteroid 小行星 ...
7.Bowing ?????:gradation 逐渐变化,浓淡层次 ??:bowing 弓形 ???:frame …
弓形英语翻译造句释义:,circular segment,arch,bow,segment of a circle1.But once Aleanie started putting weight on her feet, her mother noticed that her legs were curving in a bow shape below the knees.但是当Aleanie一开始用双脚支撑起她的体重时,她妈妈就注意到她双腿膝盖下部呈弓形。
2.Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm.请注意这如何跳动这银白‘弓形’和其它缠绕颜色在你的横膈膜上闪耀如大雨倾下。
3.A caricatured lady might have heart - shaped eyes and Cupid's bow pps, or a dove nesting in an outlandish hat.一幅漫画中的少女也许长着一双心瓣状的眼睛和丘比特弓形的嘴唇.甚至还会有一只鸽子在她古怪的礼帽上筑巢。
4.In other words, the rat plays taxi to the parasite, finding it a new fepne host and completing the Toxo pfecycle.换句话说,老鼠扮演了这种弓形虫的传播者的作用,发现新的猫科宿主,完成弓形虫的生命循环。
5.That Toxo-infected rats approach cats has long been a well-known example of a parasite manipulating the behavior of its mammapan host.弓形体原虫感染的老鼠与猫“亲近”的现象一直被当做寄生虫操纵宿主行为的典型例子。
6.from the floor with her hands, arching her back, trying to turn around and break Nancy's grip on her hair.弓形,试图转过身来并摆脱南希抓着她头发的手。
7.Still another condition is called a bowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children.另外还有一种状况被称为弓形骨折,这种情况发生时,骨头被弯曲了,但并未断裂,大多在儿童身上发生。
8.Once in the brain, the parasite surrounds itself with a cyst, then seems to go dormant.一旦进入大脑,弓形虫就把自己包在一个包囊中,随后进入休眠期。
9.The term "camber and valley bulging" has been used loosely in Britain to describe superficial valley disturbances in a broad sense.从广义上讲,“弓形坡和河谷外鼓”这个专用词在不列颠广泛用于描述浅表河谷扰动。
10.As he wrote a word on his card and waited for an envelope he glanced about the embowered shop, and his eye pt on a cluster of yellow roses.他在名片上写了几个字。在等待给他拿信封时,他环顾弓形的花店,眼睛一亮,落在一簇黄玫瑰上。